Posts Tagged 'discussions'

Why You DON’T Need a Blogging Schedule {Discuss #22}


So this discussion post is kind of contradicting to last week’s discussion post since that one talked about my blogging schedule :P. But really, you DON’T need a blogging schedule if you don’t want to! I thought of laying the PROS of NOT having a blogging schedule because that is totally okay, too!

PROS of not having a schedule (for the blogger)

  • You don’t feel obligated to make a post during XYZ days!

Let’s say you post on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. During Tuesdays, you post your Top Ten Tuesday meme, Thursdays for reviews or discussion posts, and book hauls on Saturdays. Well, if you don’t have a schedule, guess what? You won’t feel bad if you miss a TTT post or if you forget to link up your book haul post on Stacking the Shelves meme! Also, I think there’s this invisible “rule” that discussion posts go up on Thursdays & book hauls go up on Saturdays. I just wanted to tell you that you can put up those posts which ever days you want to!

  • More reading time

Since you don’t have to post for a certain day, you can just choose to read instead of writing a new blog post. You can choose to have more reading time instead of working on your blog because you don’t have to post anything! Heck, you can just not post during the whole week and just binge read those series!

PROS of not having a schedule (for the reader)

  • It’s exciting for us when you have a new post!

I actually love it when bloggers do not have a blog schedule because that means their next post is a SURPRISE! I love it when a new, random post comes up on my Bloglovin’ feed from my favorite blog. I’m just like YAY! HE/SHE HAS A NEW POST UP! *checks it out*.

  • More hits/pageviews

Since we don’t know when your next post will be, it’s hard to not constantly check your blog! At least, that’s what I do to the blogs I love. I constantly check their blog to see if they have a new post up because they’re just super awesome!


So, did I miss any PROS of not having a blog schedule? Comment down below and let me know your thoughts on this topic.

My Blogging Schedule {Discuss #21}


I’ve been blogging for 3 years, and let’s be honest, my blogging schedule has changed A LOT. Compared to my bubbly, excited, noob self when I first started blogging (meaning posting like 3-4 times a week), I don’t post much these days. I have decided to just post twice a week, and I couldn’t be happier. I just think posting frequently takes too much of my time and it’s taking away my enjoyment.

Let me show you my ways, and you can show me your ways because that’s what discussions are all about.

So I use this handy dandy blue planner that I got from Target. This planner runs from July 2015 to June 2016 and has monthly + daily pages. I use the monthly pages to write the title of the posts that I’ve scheduled in black ink with blue stripes.

I think posting twice a week has helped me enjoy blogging more. I do not feel forced to post everyday, or every other day. With this kind of schedule, I can comment on other blogs often and interact on Twitter frequently. It has also let me read more books! If I had to blog everyday, then it would consume my reading time. It’s also easier to schedule posts! This post was actually written way back in August :P.

So, my question for you is, do you have a blogging/post schedule? If so, how has it helped you?

My Noob Self {Discuss #20}


I think it’s time for another discussion post because the last time I did one was JANUARY of 2015! Whaaaaat!? Ok. So like every other discussion post, an idea randomly popped up in my head which is how I was when I was a noob blogger. Feel free to grab a popcorn and laugh at what I’m going to confess because I thought my old bloggy self was pretty hilarious.

1. I did NOT know that you can schedule posts on WordPress. I thought bloggers were crazy for posting their posts on 12 a.m., 1 a.m., 2 a.m., you name it. So…that’s what I did. I stayed up till whatever a.m. just to click ‘PUBLISH’ so that my post can appear on my blog. And then after a couple of months….I realized there was a freakin ‘SCHEDULE’ button on WordPress which allows you to schedule your post on the desired date and time you want. Good job, Leigh. You’re so smart. -.-

2. I actually thought the way blog tours ran was the authors literally traveled to whichever country they were going on tour…and I was confused what the ‘blog’ part was about. I thought bloggers would just blog about the tour and the authors’ books. A blog tour company finally answered my question that it is just a VIRTUAL tour and authors didn’t actually go somewhere. *facepalm*

3. I discovered book tube a few months after I started my blog and looking at their bookshelves with all hardback books made me want to own ALL THE HARDBACK BOOKS as well! I was so determined to give away all of my paperback books (smh I was crazy back then)… but good thing I slapped myself out of it because that’s INSANE! I have a bookshelf filled with paperbacks. That’s too much work to change all of them to hardbacks.

What are some funny, cringe-worthy, or embarrassing stuff that you did when you were a new blogger? Feel free to share! I won’t judge you 🙂

Well hello there! Thank you so much for stopping by. Little Book Star is a young adult book blog ran by Leigh, an 18 year old avid reader. This blog consists of book reviews, giveaways, author interviews, and more! Feel free to explore!

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